Strategic Aims

CELT was formed in 2019 from the merger of two existing and successful local multi-academy trusts – the Newquay Education Trust (NET) and Peninsula Learning Trust (PLT). The process involved transferring assets, undertakings and liabilities and merging policies, procedures and staffing structures. As an organisation, we are continually learning and improving.
Cornwall Education Learning Trust has experienced significant growth since its creation in 2019. It is now time to set out what the near-future of CELT looks like; our aims for students and staff, and our place in the communities that support us. 
Our Strategic Aims will continue to be developed, redefined and reprioritised year-on-year as we continue to define the culture and direction of travel for our organisation.
Our CELT Strategic Aims are designed to drive the development of our organisation year-on-year. Our Aims represents the core of our drive to raise standards across our family of academies.

1. The health of the organisation – as an educational charity, CELT has an obligation to be a high performing organisation that delivers its core objective to the best possible standard.

2. Advance education for public benefit as a core charitable objective – to make sure that students are leaving education with the skills that will set them up for success, address employer demands and ensure they understand the valuable roles they can play within society.

3. The health of the communities that CELT serves – due to the challenges facing public services in many communities, CELT recognises the role it must play in adding capacity and resource.

4. The effectiveness of governance – and being compliant, robust and transparent.

5. Being a good employer of people – providing quality CPD for all and dynamic Talent Management within the Trust. 

Accountability Framework
  • The vision and set of values which holds us to account.
  • Our model for school improvement which is both systematic and consistent across our trust.
  • A curriculum which is fit for purpose both academically and financially.
  • A Scheme of Delegation which enables responsibility to sit with those who are accountable.