SEND Network


A half termly network meeting which brings all SENDCos together to discuss key issues and priorities throughout the academic year. The purpose of these network meetings is to share good practice, experience and ensure consistency in our approach towards supporting children with SEND. Guest speakers from external agencies attend on a regular basis to enable our staff have up to date knowledge of CPD opportunities or changes within the statutory SEN service as part of the Local Authority’s local inclusion and transformation plan. Meetings are held virtually and face to face.

Challenge Days

All schools within CELT partake in regular challenge days. SEND provision is reviewed as part of this process which involves analysing data such as outcomes, attendance, suspensions as well as SEND Leadership and reviewing the Quality of Education. Following each challenge day, a number of recommendations and professional judgements are made and shared with the Headteacher and Trust Lead.

This academic year CELT have worked collaboratively with Westcountry Schools Trust who have carried out a series of Secondary SEND focused reviews on our schools. Our primary schools have also benefited from a number of external reviews as part of the Challenge Day process.

SEND Leadership and Self Evaluation Framework

We have a shared SEND Leadership and Self Evaluation Framework which enables leaders of SEND within CELT to identify strengths and prioritise areas for development. This framework ensures there is a consistent approach towards SEND across CELT and that learners with SEND have the same opportunities and experiences.

This framework is based on Whole School SEND MAT review’s framework which CELT further developed in collaboration with independent education consultant – Natalie Packer, to ensure it was suited to our settings. Areas listed in our framework include:

  • Leadership and Management
  • Identification
  • Tracking and Monitoring
  • High Quality Teaching and Learning
  • Developing Provision

Primary SEND Hubs

Within our Primary phase we have SEND Hub leads who have strategic overview of a number of schools. This leadership model ensures action plans for priority areas for development identified through our Self Evaluation Framework are being implemented and are having the intended impact. As well as this, our Primary Hub leads ensure all schools are implementing our CELT Graduated Approach towards supporting those learners with SEND. Our Primary Hub leads ensure SEND is a whole school approach and work closely with Head Teachers and the SLT.