
Ensuring Financial Sustainability

Academy trusts are required by a funding agreement with the Secretary of State for Education to designate a named individual as the ‘accounting officer’ and this designation confers legal responsibility for financial and administrative matters. This delegation is made to our Trust Lead.

Internal Control and Risk Management

The accounting officer has a key role in ensuring that public money is safeguarded and only spent on the purposes for which it was intended. Our Trust Lead must assure the trust board of each academy’s compliance with the requirements of the EFA’s Academies Financial Handbook, its funding agreement and all relevant aspects of company and charitable law, including setting high standards of financial probity and financial management, and ensuring that these are communicated to staff.

To assist the Trust Lead in the accounting officer role, our Chief Operations Officer leads the implementation and maintenance of a framework of financial controls and procedures for managing financial risk, determines accounting processes and oversees financial management procedures that enable our trust to budget and manage within our overall resources.

Securing value for money (economy, efficiency and effectiveness) releases resources for higher priorities within our academy trust. Our accounting officer ensures that value for money is the concern of all operational managers, and our Chief Operations Officer takes the lead in co-ordinating and facilitating a culture of efficiency.
Our Trust Lead, as accounting officer, together with our members, trustees and governors, determines the strategic direction of our Trust and its family of academies and is responsible for turning policy aspirations into reality. Our accounting officer looks to our Chief Operations Officer to align financial planning with our trust vision and strategic objectives.
Accounting Records and Statements

Academy trusts are required to keep proper accounting records and to prepare annual financial statements in accordance with the accounts directions issued by the funding body.
Annual Reports and Finance Statements

Annual Report and Finance Statements 2022-23

Annual Report and Finance Statements 2021-22

Annual Report and Finance Statements 2020-21

Annual Report and Finance Statements 2019-20

Academy Funding Agreements

Master Funding Agreement

Deed of Novation and Variation

CELT and Bodmin College - Deed of Novation

SFA – Brannel

SFA - Carclaze



Deed of Variation – Lostwithiel

SFA - Luxulyan

SFA - Mevagissey

SFA - Mount Charles

SFA – Newquay Junior

SFA – Newquay Primary Academy

SFA – Newquay Tretherras

SFA - Penrice Academy

SFA – Poltair

SFA - Pondhu

SFA - Port Isaac

SFA - St Mewan

Gender Pay Gap Reports

Gender Pay Gap Report 2024

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Gender Pay Gap Report 2022

Gender Pay Gap Report 2021

Gender Pay Gap Report 2020

Executive Pay
We are required to publish the number of CELT employees whose employee benefit (excluding pension contribution) exceeds £100,000.

Executive pay 2022-23

Trade Union Facility Time

2021/22 Trade Union Facility Time

2020/21 Trade Union Facility Time

2019/20 Trade Union Facility Time

Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement